3 Balas

Hi sis, semoga semua dimudahkan dan semoga baby sis strong dan insyaAllah tak ada apa. Jangan fikir sangat. Itu pun boleh effect ke baby. Banyakkan doa… Saya baru lepas gugur 6w 6d. Doakan saya kuat 🥹

Stay strong dear ❤️😭 its ok lepas ni kita try lagi ok. *virtual hugs*

Hi..I had the same issue as you. I hope all is good. would you mind updating your pregnancy status so far? I'm worried..counting days to the next follow-up.

Hi sis, may Allah ease everything for you. Dont stress okay, avoid thinking too much. InsyaAllah everything is well for you. *hugs

Hi sis.. Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage today. 😭

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