do you miss being pregnant?
Everyone tells me that I'll miss being pregnant once baby is out.. but now that im in my 3rd trimester, I cant wait to get her out coz shes kicking and pressing on my organs, and I really want to eat my normal portions again. The FOMO is real. Do you miss being pregnant after you've delivered?

I am in my 39w now and feeling the same as u cant wait for baby to be out..but mainly because my tummy skin is hurting becuz of the mega expansion, when I sleep on my sides I pressed against my LO's bone and it is painful..but definitely miss the movements inside me soon!
I feel you! These moments with my baby in the tummy are the most special moments. I’d suggest you take some maternity portraits so if you miss being pregnant, you can also look through and relive those beautiful moments going through pregnancy! ❤️
Yes especially will be missing the movements made by ur lo in your tummy during pregnancy. It’s a wonderful feeling that only expecting mummy can experience. And wherever u go, ur lo will always be with u.:)
Miss when u ve alot of "Me time". U ve time to go out n meet friends, shopping, sleeping, napping, watch movie, or even enjoy and slowly ve ur meal When ur baby is out, u will know one what i mean👍
I have that same feeling when I was in 3rd trimester on my 1stpregnancy, but after baby come out I cannot go anywhere, stuck with the baby, so u will wish that u were still pregnant
Yesyes! I do miss the times when i was pregnant. I miss the feeling of my daughter moving inside, her hiccups and listening to her heartbeats whenever we see our gynae.
Yes super miss it. At least when baby is in your tummy is 100percent yours. Once is out, it is nolonger exclusively yours. So many pple with so manycomment as if baby is theirs.
I think it’s miss life before having bb rather than miss being pregnant per se. Unless you’re referring to the part about not having menses and pple giving up seats on trains 😂
Hahahahahah YES ... whenever I see a preggy mummy I will auto do a slient prayer within myself n Mmhhhh it will remind me of HOW I was like when I was Pregnent
I will miss pregnant, my first and second is 15 yrs apart. I wish to have one more baby within this few years. I miss the kicking the rolling the scanning
Queen of 1 naughty little heart throb