Every time of a day my LO wills seem extremely hungry no matter how many time I latch him or give formula. After he finish drinking he will then vomit all the milk and then ask for more milk if nv give him he will cry and can last for hours. I am drained when he always do that. Anyone encounter this ? My LO is going to 3 weeks and this already lasted for 1 week.

I think that you should bring baby to the doctor. See if it is colic (characteristic is the same hour of the day)or like the above person mention that it could be overfeeding. I think u shold slowly check one item by one item. Any soiled diaper before considering feeding. If feeding still don't work, then it could be wind in stomach or like i was mentioning colic. Sometimes they don't know that they don't want milk so wen latch/give bottle they will still drink or latch and use it as a soother but because full already, the mil will be regurgitated quickly. U might really want to visi the doctor to see if there is any 'blockage" to stomach if always throwing up. On the side note. Abt 2-3 was and abt 4-5 was, here are 2 growth spurts so by could be drinking/sleeping/crying more
Read moreHappened to my LO when she was a month old. She was admitted to the hospital and doctors said it was due to overfeeding. Had to follow a strict feeding schedule of at least every 2 hours in between each feeding session. Managed to soothe her with the pacifier or rocking and singing to her. My girl had projectile vomitting though. Not sure if the same would work for you.
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I had the same problem. My girl have very bad colic that medication have to be taken 3 times a day. She cried non stop and start to vomit. It was a really terrible time for us until we visit the PD for help.