pregnant can eat salted egg or century egg?
Can eat salted egg or century egg?

Better avoid, salted can lead to water retention and swelling. Century egg has high cholesterol. I didn’t had any during my pregnancy. If you are really craving for it. Prolly need to home make make it v less salted, Or jz have a little portion to satisfy cravings
My mil made me salted egg and i told her to make it less salty. duck egg actually has more nutritional values than chicken egg but i guess u need to make your own( less salty version) If you buy the commerical ones, u are going to take in too much sodium.
Too much salt isn't good during pregnancy, especially if your blood pressure is already going up due to the pregnancy. If you really crave it, then maybe just a little, and on rare occasions?
It is extremely unhealthy food and very salty and rich in fat. Best to avoid. But if craving, get a few pieces to satisfy craving
I will avoid but if really have strong craving, just take a very small portion to satisfy cravings.
I wouldn't eat. Salt increases water rentention and century egg is very high in cholesterol.
:X at first I thought century egg is raw... Don't dare. But after 34weeks I just eat. 😂
As long as you eat in moderation it is ok. But look out for water retention
Avoid high salt content during pregnancy. It may lead to hypertension.
Should be fine just make sure u control the intake.