Terrible 2

Dunno why now LO is 30 months old,she understands what we say but she will not follow and simply throw tantrums especially when I am around.when her dad is around she behaves much better. I am with her most of the time since I WFH and she only attends playgroup. So I don't understand why the person that spent the most time with her and yet she doesn't listen to me and keeps doing things I tell her not to. I already feel very stressed out due to new workload my boss throw to me. And now having to deal with the tantrums I feel really helpess.

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that is the terrible 2 phase..she wants your full attn at home..because of work, i suggest you get a helper, or put her in a full day CC prog so you can concentrate at home..cc timings are flexible 7am to 7pm..if u finish work early u may fetch her early