Do you let you domestic helper use their phones, when doing chores?
Comment below if you do that or not.

While doing the chores or while looking after baby definitely no, I myself won't use phone while doing these things. But when she's finished her work she's free to do what she wants. Or if she's cooking and needs to see recipe it's fine to use phone too.
Nope. Only after she is done for the day then I’ll let her use, or if she’s going to cook a dish from a recipe she found online then I’ll let her use it in the day time
Not while doing chores.. but of cuz allow her to have a phone with her all the time.. mutual trust as she is a human being too
Better not use during chores such as cooking/washing etc. I'm not particularly strict either
In between chore break i'm okay, not when she's in the kitchen or handling my baby
Not when they are doing chores but she can definitely have breaks in between
if they can be efficient at their work still, why not
not while doing chores. in her own free time, yes
Yes but when she needs to watch my boy she doesnt
Sure, so long as it makes them feel efficient.