Does using a carrier for my 2months affect gonna affect her legs and the way she walks when she grow older

It depends on which type of carrier you use. The best position is when your baby’s hips and knees are bent and the legs face slightly outwards. Those carriers that make your baby’s legs dangle down straight aren’t good when they’re very young
Not recommended for 2 months as the baby neck is still weak. Better to wait until 4 to 5 months old. As long as ur baby sits in correct position, there should be no issue. My lo is able to walk normally though we are also using carrier as well.
Ok as long as baby is kept in a correct posture. Here's the guideline
Some yes! Due to the opening of leg next time they walk you will see diff. Don't use carrier for too long is what I suggest or you can get those soft one.
Im using the mini monkey sling carrier. Bby slps well when placed in that carrier
I think has to depend on which carrier and how you use it to carry baby
Use the infant insert. Each carrier comes with its own guideline.
Maybe you can try "Konny" carrier. Check out at youtube.
Nope if you use the carrier that is meant for 2mo
Still too young...wait another 2-3 months