Nipple cream

Does nipple cream really helps and necessary?

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It could be helpful. But you don’t have to use it all the time, only when necessary. And only apply on the nipple, just a dab is sufficient, and avoid the rest of the area.

Super Mum

For me, the Medela Purelan ointment worked wonders. Applied it on the cracked nipples and immediately latched baby on after that

You can just use breastmilk for cracked nipples. Some uses coconut oil.. not necessary have to buy nipple cream...

Do you have sore nipples, if so nipple cream can help. Remember to apply only on nipple and not all around the breast.

5y ago

Pwede din ba kahit preggy pa? Or for breastfeeding lng? Im 3 mos pregnant and my nipples get sore after bath

VIP Member

I think let it be heal it naturally.. instead using chemical to ur nipple .. I breast milk will heal it ..

I bought nipple cream but hardly use it. KKH nurses recommended using breastmilk to heal cracks.

VIP Member

I wouldn’t use cos chemicals. Best to use natural ingredients only.

For me, virgin coconut oil works wonder!

For me, it really helps n necessary!

I use sometime