150 Replies

Oh yes, I know what you mean! Try to eat small, frequent meals and eat your food slowly. You'll end up swallowing a lot of air if you eat super fast. Also, try to relax while eating, and cut down on gassy foods like beans.

In the first few weeks I experience bloating. I feel like I'm always full all the time and then 10 weeks after okay na. Nag take ako nang gaviscon para sa heartburn din ☺️

i feel super e tra bloated after eating the supplements - folic acid, vit D and biogaia after breakfast I would puke! Exacerbated my bloatedness and nausea... anyone the same?

Yes. And if i eat too much, i just vomit it out. It gets better during second trimester for me where I can eat n eat so hopefully it’s the same for you too.

bloated too! starred from week 5 now week 11. no nausea, thankful. but when there's nice food in front of me, still can manage to eat, just eat less than last time only

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I am on my week 7. Earlier on during week 5 to 6, sometime feel damn hungry sometime totally no appetite. Try to drink some milk or juices if you really no appetite.

Yes. The doctor said that it is better to eat 6 small meals than 3 big meals. It's normal when you feel full even if you just eat less.

It depends on individual, some of my friends had very bad morning sickness and lost of appetite. But for me I am always hungry and munching on food all the time.

same pero alam mo ung feeling na gutom ka pa rin ult pero di mo alam kakainin mo kc nakakasuka pa din. ?pero at the same time feel mo nag gain ka ng weight

I always feel bloated but I always feel hubgry at the same time.. Kapag nagutom ako solid gutom pero kapag nakakain nko kahit small amounts lang super busog na..

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