Do you bring stroller to mall or other shopping place? I saw some parents did it in mall and it seems not handy but holding a baby while shopping is a quite challenge too.

Carrier is definitely more convenient, easy to manoeuvre about esp if the mall is crowded! And you can show the baby lotsa things along the way. Take things for him to feel and touch. But... Backache! And you can't buy much things. Assume u dun have a helper or hubby beside. Stroller is less taxing on your back, can buy more things cos can put in stroller but less interaction with baby. Just pushing around passively! And I hate it when pple knock into my stroller which shakes the baby. So stroller is only for spacious, less crowded Malls!!
Read moreI bring both carrier and stroller whenever i go shopping with my kids (i have two) If i go out with one kid(19mo) i would strap him in a baby carrier to make him have his nap before placing him in the stroller to snooze while i shop with ease. Of course i have to avoid those crowded shops as pushing a stroller around isn't easy. If i have an elder child with me (4yo), he would sometimes sit in the stroller as move around the malls so i don't have to keep chasing after him
Read moreI guess it depends on how old your baby is. If your baby is below 1 year I do recommend you to babywearing your baby instead. Babywearing allows u to be hands free and thus makes it easier to shop around. You can also nurse on the go with baby in your Carrier. However for older children, it may be wiser to use a stroller just because it will be harder for you to babywearing for too long. I do like the stroller too because I can hang my shopping bags on the stroller. Haha!
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I take a pram and a carrier :-) I know it's a handful and I even have a tot with me. But I find that this is the most convenient arrangement. I out the baby on the pram while I try to fit clothes. When there is a long walk in the mall, my tot sits at the front of the pram.
I prefer to babywear my baby as I normally do solo parenting & travel on public transport. Baby wearing gives me the ease to commute around & also I do not have to queue for the lifts which most of the times are crowded
Kung ayaw mong magdala ng stroller dahil bulky pwede namang magrent sa mall... may mga for rent na strollers na ngayon sa mga mall or pwede ring mag carrier...
I take a pram...thsz the most convenient arrangement.
I use the ergo when out shopping