Do u beat your baby when baby is cranky or keep crying non stop you have tried everything but still no use? I just slap his backside or shake him using both hand holding baby's arm ~ I m suspecting I am having depression~

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Please get help from professionals doctors, psychologists and help with baby/housework/ cooking from trusted family/ friends ASAP! Try to get your other half to help out around the house or even with bubby. You need time out for yourself on a regular basis and sleep. Parenting is challenging especially if they have colic or going through purple crying stage, there can be a whole host of other reasons so check in with your doctor. You do not want to injure your baby or even worse. Shaking and slapping can damage delicate blood vessels and nerves in their neck and brains and it can result in permanent brain damage, paralysis, blindness or death (Shaken baby syndrome)!! Have a checklist of things like nappy change, feeding (sometimes they need to cluster feed for a few hrs) or an overtired baby (learn to read their cues). If you don't have anyone to help watch over baby at that point in time. It is OK to put them in a safe place like their cot if they are crying close the door and make yourself a soothing drink like herbal tea or hot chocolate etc and sit down for 10-15 mins so you can regain your composure. Try skin on skin (both you and bub have your top off or breast feed. Even your other half can do skin on skin kangaroo care to soothe baby. Those things help to release soothing oxytocin for the both of you. Again please seek help! Enquire about family care centres at your drs or community nurse like (where I am in australia there is Trisellian and Karitane) you can book in with your baby to stay for a few nights so you can get a break and some sleep. They can assist you with giving tools and a plan to cope. Good luck mummy!

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