I think i am down with post delivery depression. Have been crying non stop, no appetite to eat and even worse still starting to dislike my own baby. What can i do ?

I feel you. I nearly whack my baby. Post partum depression for 2 months. It gets ok after that. Mainly fatigue gets to you. Confide in your hubby. Tell him you are in depression and you hit baby. You need help by getting rest. Or confide in your mum? Ask her for help as youre having a depression. I seek help from my mum as hubby is working and cant seem to get help from him. Which grandma dont like to see grandchild? Woman to woman talk is better as they have gone through it can advise you better. This is life threatening. I've thought of leaving my family and commiting suicide cos i just cant take it anymore. But thinking back it was rather silly. With enough rest and help you wont get so paranoid. I was like that due to having 2hrs of sleep everyday for 3 months straight. SEEK HELP NO MATTER FROM WHO!
Read morelet it out, share it out.. talk to anyone that u r comfortable with, ranting in any other platforms. . seek for professional advices... most important never to keep it within yourself .. to think more +ve and seeing the your cute little baby pics .. its never easy being a mum .. this is only a passing phase as LO will only cry to seek for attention but as they grow older things shall be different... dont ever harbour the thought of harming the baby or yourself as u will sure to regret in a moment of foolish ... let others handle when u r feeling down n telling them your concerns... be strong for your baby and yourself... take care.. jia you
Read moreDo u have anybody that can help u to take care of ur baby for now? Maybe ur family members? Its natural to feel this way because u are tired. Dont pressure urself too much and take one thing at a time. If anybody can help to take care of ur baby.. That will be great. Maybe u can rest and once in a while go out and take a walk to have some fresh air. Dont vent it on ur baby. U will only regret later on. Stay positive. U will be able to go through this phase.
Read moreoh my i been there before try talk to someone u can let it out..maybe ur hubby or a close friend..for my my hubby as he is the only one who understands me..Maybe u both can work it out by telling him ur problem..share the caring of the baby together..try going out together enjoy the breeze and chat with ur baby..dont ever give up cos ur baby needs u most..If theres no other way u can see the family centre they can help u.
Read morePlease get professional help!! Post natal Depression is very common for Nee mummy and it could lead to very serious problems. So please get some professional help instead of ignoring it. At the same time, try to relax yourself. Do something that you like, like shopping, watching drama. Whatever that would makes you happy. Be positive and talk to people about how you feel. Seek help from your Husband or family members.
Read moreHave you shared your feelings and worries with someone? You shouldn't suffer in silence. Talk to your husband, your mom, you sister or a close friend. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help with the baby if you need it. What you're feeling is quite normal for some mothers and sometimes, having extra help and an outlet to rant to can really help. Remember, do not suffer in silence, seek help!
Read moreWhen I was in my confinement days I was crying a lot too. I barely carried my baby and although I don't dislike her, I just feel so emotional overwhelmed I can hardly ever happy at all. Try to keep urself occupied or even do things that make u happy.. I disliked confinement myths that said we can't drink any water. But I secretly drank them and I felt a little bit happier that way. Haha.
Read moreHappened to me and I almost whacked my baby who was only 1 month, shook him and wanted to throw him down. Sought professional help but didn't follow through. As time passed it got better. I went out more, got used to his routine and his colic got better... No matter what don't harm your baby. Stay away if you feel like it. Seek help and get active
Read morePlease seek professional help. Let your gynae know that you are feeling down and he/ she will be able to provide you with professional support. Postnatal blues/ depression is very common and is very treatable. If you do not feel that your baby is safe with you, then make sure that someone else is in the room with you when you are with your baby.
Read moreyou should get professional help from a counsellor. postnatal blues go away after a while but depression doesn't and requires professional help. if you do not seek help in time, there can be very dire consequences when you lose your sanity, even for just a brief moment.