Do u beat your baby when baby is cranky or keep crying non stop you have tried everything but still no use? I just slap his backside or shake him using both hand holding baby's arm ~ I m suspecting I am having depression~

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Are you in any support group chat? Like eg, Dec Mummies group, SAHM group..? Are you a SAHM? Do you have extra help on certain days? To me baby at 5 months, they really dunno anything, even if you spank them, they do not understand. Their only form of communication is through crying, crying non stop might be due to discomfort or over tire but it may be something else. To soothe and comfort your baby, its all trial & error, you can sing, pat, rock, hum, nurse (if you are), walk, or carry in a carrier, whichever works for you and your baby. Everything may be very overwhelming if you are a first time mom and if you are sleep deprived. Try to remain calm as baby can sense your agitation and may cry even more. I sometimes just close my eyes and take deep breaths and start singing. Please seek help if you need to, you are doing a great job mummy..! *hugs

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