Gender reveal

Did you wait until birth to find out whether your baby was a boy or girl?

Gender reveal
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I couldn't wait. I found out at 17 weeks only to be surprised that I'll be having twins and it's a boy and a girl. I was overwhelmed with Joy. I wasn't expecting twins. India as such finding out gender before birth is illegal. So, we came to know of the gender only when the babies were born. Secondly, how does it matter?

No I couldn't actually because I couldn't help myself, i found this past Friday that I'm gonna be giving birth to a baby girl. The way I'm so excited 😍

My doctor without asking me first just telling gender of ny baby! Haha..😄I want to keep surprise and do gendear reveal hahah, so she ruined it..haha

nope. during first ultrasound, i've been told that im having a baby girl. but, i still prefer to buy unisex color for my baby. just incase 🤣🤣

Yup I waited till birth to find out the good ol’ way! Unfortunately I ended up having a full anesthesia C-sec so it was a bit anti-climatic 😂

At first I couldn't wait so I had an ultrasound at week 22, but my son was very stubborn the doctor couldn't see it so i had to wait

No , we're too excited and would like to know my baby's gender asap, so we can prepare my baby stuff before I give birth

No at 5 to 6 months you must knowing the gender of your bby in order to buy resources of his or her gender color

No, at 4 months i ask my ob what is the gender and she already told me that it is a baby girl..