Gender reveal
Did anyone take some time to accept your baby’s gender? When you are kinda so set on a particular gender? How did you go around it, kinda still in shock after finding out

Me! I have 3 boys in total. When i was pregnant with my 3rd born i was expecting girl. During ultrasound, the dr was showing his genital and i was disappointed. My eyes were full of tears and i was crying outside of the ultrasound room. 😅😅 I was in a bad mood even blamed my friends for giving me hope hahahahaha. I apologised to them about that 😂😂 However, it took me for 1-2 months to accept as i think otherwise and positive instead. When they are older, this 3 boys will protect me with all their heart because i am the only lady in the house. I am a Malay btw. So if i die, my boys will be able to carry my body down to the grave. So to me.. i took it as a blessing to have boys that will protect me.
Read moreHmm I'm not sure if I was alr kinda set for a certain gender. I was more inclined towards having a girl first but my firstborn was a boy. and I accepted it because I alr told myself that I wld just be as happy as long as my baby is healthy. And I tried to convince myself that firstborn being a boy is also to my advantage cz then he can be the big brother to lead his siblings just like how my hubby is, helping his late mom with alot of things. And I also kinda get to save on his clothes as compared to girls where I know I'm gonna splurge on the pretty dresses and hair accessories 😅. I prayed hard for a girl for my 2nd and blessed God that I got what I want and am pregnant with a girl now.
Read morei was like you, too.. but after a while, i told myself i should be thankful that god is giving me a child, naturally.. im the chosen one.. i keep reminding myself what my mom and my mil has been telling me.. >> there are many ladies who really wanna get pregnant but couldn't.. >> some have to spend thousands to go through ivf.. >> some got pregnant but had miscarriage.. >> some had ectopic pregnancy.. i keep telling myself to be happy that god has chosen me.. stay positive mummy!!
Read moreI did too, I cried a lot when I found out my baby is a boy and was really worried that I wouldn’t love him as much. I know it’s annoying listening to ppl tell you boy or girl don’t matter, health most impt blah blah blah. It’s true, healthy is rly impt but whatever you’re feeling about the baby’s gender is also ok. But as the months pass, you’ll eventually accept & even want it no other way!
Read moreI wanted first pregnancy a boy, but I got a girl. Five years later, I was hoping a boy then close shop. But, I got a girl, again 🫢 I accepted it with open arms and just thank Allah. During both pregnancy I only purchase clothes after confirmation with dr for 2 to 3 times. Then I bought the gender's clothes.
Read moreI think just need to trick mindset into thinking theres alot more couple who wanted a baby but did not have the chance to conceive or yet to conceive, so any gender is fine as long as baby is growing well
I was a mom to 3 boys and 2 girls. we ttc again hoping to get another girl and bam! we found out it's a boy!!! so here I am going to be a mom of 4 boys and 2 girls. oh my! oh my!
Haha when the baby is born all this feeling will go away :) even my gynae also disturb me jiayou !
Boy or girl doesn’t really matter. Healthy 就好!
Health matters more then gender!