8 Replies

Baby can use a carrier from birth. More to what type of carrier and whether wearer is comfy. Do go to the workshop Sharinah recommended to learn more, else get a ringsling, k'tan or moby bamboo wrap first. Then explore more carriers options with baby at www.facebook.com/babycarriersrentalsg after birth, there will be perks after trial to let their customers purchase at a better rate! I personally uses ringsling alot since birth. Learning skill is steeper but very useful. Compact and can use from newborn to toddlerhood. Hope u find your solution soon!

Hi mummy, babywearing is a good way to bond with your baby and you can start babywearing from birth. Do come to my babywearing workshop on 14/1/17 to learn more about babywearing and to try out different ranges of carriers. More information can be found here - https://goo.gl/nvq1FN

ok thank you let me take a look at your website

There is another babywearing workshop coming up on 12 Feb 2017. Facebook event links - Morning session (9:30-11:30am): https://www.facebook.com/events/1568025009879324/ - Afternoon session (12:15-2:15pm): https://www.facebook.com/events/245322782573426/

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Baby can use a carrier at anytime. Depending on what carrier you are using and the size of baby. I used a sling for my newborn. And till date I'm using the baba sling.

thank you

VIP Member

i used ringsling for the first 4 months then proceed to a manduca from then onwards till now at 2yo

Hi mummy it depends on the carrier and your baby size. How old is your baby?

i will give birth soon and think about 1 month to travel so i thought carrier will help

My pleasure :)

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