Dear mummies, I'll be bringing my 2 yo girl to Hong Kong next week. This will be her maiden flight. 1) Is there any thing I need to take note of for her during the flight? 2) What the types of medication should I bring along for her? TIA

Just brought my girl to Hong Kong (alone in the plane with her) 2 weeks ago when she was 18 months. Brought some books and biscuits for her to keep her occupied on the flight.. We had brought her overseas since 5 months(her first trip), PD advised to bring paracetamol(for just in case) and sterimar nasal spray to clear her nose prior to boarding so that when her nose is clear, it will prevent her to have earache during take off and landing, having said that, do feed LO drinks or snacks especially prior to landing to prevent pressure build up in LO’s ear which may cause earache. Enjoy your trip!
Read more- Snacks - Milk, water, other essentials - A sweet to avoid her ears popping - Books - Toys - Comfort objects - Paracetamol and thermometer. ibuprofen if needed - Hydration fluid in case of diarrhoea - ice pack in case of fever - Plasters in case of a fall, injury - antiseptic cream
Read moreComfort objects, something to chew on during take off and landing, if she has a particular toy or activity book she likes, it’ll be helpful to keep her preoccupied. If not, I’m sure the airline will have some children’s amenities or can assist you with. Enjoy your holiday! :)
Hi mummy, we just got back from HK last week. We prepared the standard medication like diaharrea, cough, flu and fever medicine. We brought it from the GP. Also try not to bring baby pram as there are many stairs. Best to use a baby carrier is safer too.

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During flight landing and depart , try to let her drink milk or chew something or suck on thumbs to relief pressure. and bring necessary basic medication. Hk is abit hazy , foggy at times .
Bring along her comfort pillows or a plushie that she love. Try to coax her to sleep on the flight. Prepare some chewy sweets with you for her if she feel the pressure from the plane.
Bring along her comfort stuff, like bolster. Also water bottle incase ear stuck when taking off. Medicine wise bring along thermometer, flu, cough, fever. Other than this, have fun!
during landing and departure, give her sometime to drink or chew on to relief the pressure in her ears. 2) basic medications for fever,flu and diaheera is important too.
Do baby happen to have prev medications of it? best to go to a PD and get the proper dosage
be ready to fuss a little over first flight. may not sleep well. offer lots of entertainment and snacks