Dear mummies, how do ur feel/cope when ur husband is a workaholic and it seems like anything else is nt as important as work? I know working hard for the family is good but at times i couldnt help to complaint like why is he always concern only abt work work and work. Whatever topic he talks also got to do with his work, makes me really sick and tired though as much as i wanna share his work load or thoughts.
I feel i didnt get enough attention or concern from him. Im currently preg with no2, feeling pain here and there but when i told him, the response is "aiya pregnancy is like tt wad, previously u also experienced the same, jus wait for baby to come out lo" Told him maybe this no2 will come out earlier than no1, he replied "ok" or "why are u even thinking abt it" i don feel any empathy or concern towards me at all. When no1 is having fever like 38,39 deg, he only ask "then bring him to see doc? Ate med? Shld be Ok alrd right?" The concern seems so cold. I would even suspect tt his grp of frens get better concern and attention than us. He can forsake his work the whole night(drinking session till wee hours) jus to accompany his "brothers" cox they are bored. ? his excuse is "brothers don gt to meet everyday, i see you all everyday so is different"
Woes of a wifey!
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