Dealing with morning/evening sickness.

Dear all, The morning sickness has been really bad at 10W. The vomiting has been incessant and pills like Diclectin are not helping either. Occasionally can snack on fruits, bread and Jam, and half a cup of chocolate milk or 100+. Anything gingerish is also not working its magic. I shudder to think how mothers go through a full 40 weeks of pregnancy if vomit is a daily affair. Is just impossible... Please help.

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Hello! I’m currently 12.5 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing really bad morning sickness till I lost about 5kg from week 5 to week 9. My gynae prescribed me with Diclectin initially but didn’t work for me at all. I even went to KKH for drip as I was super dehydrated from being a Merlion. Currently on Ondansetron (cheaper to purchase from Unity but will require doctor’s prescription), which is a medicine usually taken by patients going through chemotherapy to curb nausea. I take it once daily, right after my morning puke and it helps to get my appetite back throughout the entire day.

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5y ago

Thanks for sharing your circumstances and I hope you will get better in the 2nd Tri. For what it is worth, it has been a daily affair to vomit in the late night before going to bed. I kid you not...daily. It has been an emotional rollercoaster and I truly hope the symptom shall abate in the next trimester. To all the mummies out there, how do you always make it look so easy....

Hi, you can try to drink lemon water or yogurt. I suggest trying yogurt first. I was like you and everything i ate kept coming out. So husband researched and i tried Yogurt and it helped in easing the nauseous/vomiting. Recommended to consult with your doctor for whats best. though you can try yogurt. Hope it helps.

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Do speak to your gynaecologist. Probably change another type of medication. Don’t suffer with the vomiting 😣 Ive been vomiting since week 7 till now I’m week 13 and I’m still relying on Diclectin😕 💪🏻💪🏻

5y ago

I have it during night time before bed!