Morning sickness more like all day sickness
Hi mummies! I am almost 12 weeks now and I was half expecting the nausea to go away gradually, but no haha. Also, I realised my nausea is at its worst during the evening. Anyone of you mummies had similar experiences?

I had the same thing. Nausea started around 9 weeks and stayed until week 16-17. Now it’s much better. And yes mine was also bad in the evening, would 🤢🤮 without fail every night. Sometimes I just look at my toilet bowl then will vomit again 😬. I’m glad that’s over. But sometimes the nausea worsened when i waited too long between meals or snacks as well. Also medication from doctor didn’t help. In the end, just go with the flow. If nauseated then rest. If need to vomit then vomit. Then eat again. Then I’ll feel better. Hope u feel better soon Mummy-to-be!
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