Papsmear After Birth
Is it compulsory to do papsmear a month after birth by csect?

Any woman who’s sexually active has the risk of cervical cancer. So whether you do your pap smear during your postnatal visit, or later on (arranging your own appointment), it’s advisable to get it done, and do it regularly as advised by the doctor.
Yes. The jab covers some strains of HPV, the main types that cause cervical cancer, but there are many many more strains of HPV, and quite a number of them also cause cancer
Yes pls do. It's recommended. My gynae did pap smear and HPV screening test. It's expensive but you can always opt to do at polyclinic which costs much less.
Dont need to do 1 month after. Anytime after Birth but recommend to do yearly or every 2 to 3 years depending on your age
Normally after birth they will schedule for follow up checks on wound and also to do pap smear.
Mine normal birth, recommendated to do
Yes. Just do.. No matter natural/csect
I did mine recommended by my gynae.
Yes Talk to gynae pls
Is better to have
IG: @vannyaudrey