Ask the Expert Series: Childhood Immunisation
From 1 November 2020, vaccinations against Chickenpox and Pneumococcal Disease, as well as childhood developmental screening will be made free for eligible Singapore children at all Community Health Assistance Scheme (CHAS) and General Practitioner (GP) clinics and polyclinics. Read here for more information: Thus, we have invited Dr Fahir - Director, Medical Services from Speedoc to answer all your questions about Childhood Immunisation 👶🏻💉 So start commenting questions you would like to ask for the upcoming session!

Aside from child vaccinations, Speedoc can also conduct the 6ME screening for domestic helpers at home! Visit their website for more information:
What is the earliest best age for a child to be vaccinated ? What are the mandatory vaccinations for kids below the age of 5 yo ?
My child was born before 1 November. Do I have to adjust my baby’s vaccination schedule to the new one from 1 November onwards?
your child will follow the old schedule during the changeover period
Does this mean I can go to any private clinic in Singapore and still get the vaccinations done and claimed under Medisave?
also govt polyclinics and hospitals
How many vaccines are required to have taken before a child enters primary school?
by law only the diphtheria and rubella vaccines are 'mandatory' but usually catch up vaccines will be offered prior to starting primary school for kids with missing vaccines. this is in order to protect kids with weaker immune systems and to promote community/herd immunity
Hi dr, What about baby developmental checks? Is there a schedule for that? TIA!!
yes developmental checks are usually scheduled around vaccine dates for convenience. usually a few days after birth, at 4 months, 6 to 9 months , 12 months and 18 months
Hi Dr Fahir, i wanna know it some vaccines really trigger egg allergies?
in the past yes but not any more- none of the current vaccines in use in singapore trigger egg allergies
what should I do if I forgot to bring my daughter to their vaccination?
usually a short delay doesnt effect the vaccination schedule but if the delay is by a few months - depending on the vaccine, a new course may have to be started
Which vaccines will be Medisave-claimable and which will not be?
I think rotavirus is not medisave claimable in polyclinic
This is great! At what age can a child have a flu vaccination?
Oh ya, forgot to add in the below 9yo. Thanks Dr Fahir
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