Can we eat prata and fish curry in confinment - super craving it!

Generally, these are the food to avoid during breastfeeding as it might cause reaction to the baby through breastmilk: Beans, Cabbage, Cherries, Corn, Dairy products, Garlic, Onions, Shellfish, Tomato, Broccoli, Caffeine, Chocolate, Corn syrup, Eggs, Hot peppers, Peanuts, Soy and tofu, Wheat, Brussel sprouts, Cauliflower, Citrus fruits and juices, Cucumber, Food dyes, Iron and other supplements and medication, Prunes and Spicy food. After you eat your craved food, do look out for signs that your breastfed baby has any of the following: -Extra fussiness. -Constipation or diarrhea. -Abdominal bloating and gas. -Excessive spitting up. -Colic symptoms. -Diaper rash. Runny nose. Eczema.
Read moreYes! I ate prata and curry during my confinement. There is no scientific research that says we cannot eat these foods during confinement. However, if you are breastfeeding, eating spicy foods may result in breastmilk with stronger taste. My baby is totally fine with it. You may observe the reaction of your baby to see whether he develops any allergic reaction. Moreover, it is better to eat healthier foods during confinement since we are recovering from delivery. You can eat these "not so healthy" food once in awhile.
Read moreAgree with Evelyn! As long as you are eating these in moderation, there is no rule saying that you will have to avoid prata or curry. Watch your baby's reaction and opt for milder version of the curry or in smaller amount if your baby did seemed to be affected by it.
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