Breastmilk VS Formula
Is breastmilk better than formula? I am transiting baby from breastmilk to formula, worried that after switching to formula baby’s immune system will not be that good.

Breast milk is like gold but of cos it’s ok to switch to fm or alternate if u can’t cope it well with ur schedule which sometimes the supply may drop due to work commitment . But having urself as the milk supplier it’s also important to rest and eat well so the milk will be well nutritional for the baby
Read moreHey mum, Breastmilk is always the best but there is no worry in transitioning to formula milk as in due course of time, the transition is needed and also it won't affect the immune system as various formula milk brands have important ingredients which help in the development of baby
Breastmilk is better, but it’s perfectly fine to switch to formula, as that will also meet your baby’s nutritional needs. Since you’ve already been breastfeeding your baby, you’ve already helped build your baby’s immune system. Don’t be stressed out about switching:)
Breatmilk is best, but if you need to supplement (eg can supply enough) this is OK and normal and so formula will help here. If you use formula, keep an eye at beginning to make sure LO is OK with it (or use samples to find which one LO is most happy with).
Breast milk is always the best. However, dun need to worry if bb needs to drink formula. Immune system will not fall if there should be a switch :)
breastmilk confirm better than formula. but if for some reason u need switch, fm will also provide baby with the things he or she needs
If you want to compare the both, breastmilk is definitely better. However, it is OK to switch to fm.. Baby's immune system won't drop.
Honestly formula milk is there for a reason. Go for it by all means. You do you. Afterall mothers know whats best for the child :)
Breast milk will always be better than formula. But no point stressing yourself. And no. Baby immunity won’t drop.
Thank you mummies! I’m a little worried to switch from bm to fm cause my baby is only 6months old.