Adults decision

Hello Me and my boyfriend told our respective families and my family suggested that I am to abort due to both of family unable to support both of us and would be the only one taking care of the child. I am 12 weeks in and I feel sad cause I have no choice as I have to abort it. I was told if I give birth not only would I suffer, both my boyfriend and the baby will suffer. Due to lack of support financially. We yet to get married or get a house because it happened all of the sudden. Would there be other solutions that allows me to give birth or would it really be a better choice to really follow what the adults mentioned - abortion?

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When theres a will, theres a way. Your bf convinced u to have a child with him and he needs to step up and man up to his responsibility. Alot of mothers in here are against abortion and I am too. Why stop a little life that has done nothing wrong ? To have a child is a big decision and is never easy. Money can be earn anywhere , but to raise a child will need efforts. Both of u made that decision, so follow through it coz in the end, having a child is a blessing.

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