5377 respon
had bleeding throughout pregnancy before and admitted ward for 2 days... "threatened miscarriage" but overall after checked up... everything is fine.. and baby were in a good condition.. now She is alrdy almost 6 month old.. and healthy.. ❤️🤤 alhamdullilah 🌹
Spotting masa baby week-35. Tak pasti kenapa, tapi honestly masa tu stress sgt. Mentally, physically dan emotionally tired, exhausted. Tapi alhamdulillah, baby okay dan tak ada apa2. Disebabkan my experience, jadi tahu apa punca yg boleh sebabkan spotting.
Yes and it happened few times throughout the pregnancy. Got pholyps removed and sometimes cause unknown. Everytime got spotting went and see the doctor to check if the baby is fine. Now, happy with my 11mo baby
ya..anak kedua..dr 8 week sampai skrg kena spotting...skrg bru 10 week..kena rest jer...17/11/2020 bru review lagi..
Ya.. Tapi setelah dapatkan rawatan awal & follow nasihat doktor semuanya ok.. Alhamdulillah
Msa mula2 pregy.. Msa tue baru 6w smgu lbh jg la then xde da.. Tp darah sikit2 je la
Selalu suda skng..tp..x jga sakit prt..hopefully baby dlm kndgn selamat
Awl kehamilan..kmdian smua nya ok lepas g hsptl n chck
Masa trimester kedua, then kena bedrest
2 times NO .. 👀🤷🏻♀️