What were your biggest worries about yourself after giving birth?

Select multiple options
When will I lose my pregnancy belly?
How do I get rid of my stretchmarks?
When can I start exercising?
Will I have enough breastmilk?
Will I be a good mother?
Will I bond with my baby?
Will my husband still find me sexy?
When can I have sex again?
When can I get pregnant again?

1438 respon

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Malas lah nak fikir perkara yg kita tak tahu pd masa akan dtg.. 😂 relax, tenang, hadapi je, bersedia utk tidak bersedia dgn ilmu... Tak suka risau2 ni. 😘 love yourself. Syukuri dgn apa yg ada, tawakkal.

will i be a good mother.. nak pikul tanggungjawab sbg ibu bukan calang2 punya amanah.. sampai anak dh besar pun kerisauan tu mungkin tak hilang

VIP Member

Will I be a good mother, will I have enough breastmilk, will I bond with my baby #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

Baca lagi

all above except pregnant again

VIP Member

Will I be a good mother?

weight loss tips

Super Mum

all of the above

