6 Replies
I wasn’t expecting to get pregnant so fast, went for a massage around the same time I conceived, and even took roller coasters in the US about 2-3 weeks after, all without knowing I was pregnant. My baby was just born end May 2024 very healthy . Your baby will be fine!
I think it's fine, however do go for prenatal massage instead of other massages from the parlour as some pressure points could potentially affect the baby in some way
It’s okay. I didn’t know I was pregnant when I went for massage too. My baby is fine and delivered a few weeks ago.
Thanks for ur reply! Ease my mind a lot! 😊👍🏻
lavender can help pregnant mothers relax... https://sg.theasianparent.com/best-massage-oil-pregnancy
Eh, I went into a hot tub without knowing I was pregnant. And all turned out well
Thanks for ur reply ☺️