How often do you put diaper cream?
My baby is two months old. I would like to find out from other mummies do you apply diaper rash cream every time you change a diaper or as needed? How about when baby is sleeping through the night - more than four hours long? Thanks!

During my lo’s first 6 months, we put diaper cream after every change. After that, we stopped and only apply again when we notice redness.
my girl has very sensitive bottoms. I apply everytime when I change diaper. only twice a day when she's 15 months onwards
Yes you have to apply diaper cream everytime you change baby's diaper to prevent their butt from getting red
Yes, we do apply Diaper cream for every alternate change and after every bath for our 8 months old baby.
mine is turning 3 and I use it whenever needed. usually only twice a day
We apply as needed. But PD advice is to apply each diaper change.
We used it after every shower - which was twice a day
After every shower. Bathed my lo twice a day.
After every time I change my baby’s diaper
i try to avoid, only apply when it's red