Where to put diaper cream on baby
Hi mummies, FTM here with a week old baby boy. Where do you exactly put diaper cream on your baby? Is it the whole butt cheeks including butthole ? Do you also put it in between their legs? And diaper creams are all super thick is it normal to put it in patches on baby’s butt like its not even, like its white all over. Do i apply after every diaper change ? And do i remove the previous balance of diaper cream before applying again or just apply over it And why is it hard to wash off the remaining of the diaper cream when giving baby a bath, do i need to use a cloth to rub it ? Im using sudocreme and pureen alternate

According to my nanny, we apply a small amount (one dot then dab) around the testes cracks (skin between testicles and legs as there usually will have friction) and from the bottom of the testicles all the way down to the butt crack. Butt hole area can apply more as it forms a barrier between the poop and the crack. If red then apply more. Yes it is super thick and is normal to be white all over. At first I thought it was excessive until I saw that my baby still had redness. Every diaper change we will use wet cotton ball (cooled boiled water) to clean away the cream and reapply. This applies to pee diapers as well. If poopy diaper we will use wet wipes to clean off majority of poop first then followed by wet cotton ball. The cream usually comes off with wet cotton ball quite easily. We use desitin.
Read moreApply the triangle area at the front (except for the bird bird) as for the back, I apply in the butthole and also inbetween the thighs (area that the diapers will be in contact with). Yes it’s normal to have patches all over as the consistency is thick. I just slap it on, doesn’t matter if it’s too much as it acts as a lubricant to avoid friction. Apply it every diaper change. You can remove it using a wet wipe or just run it under the tap. Just use a hankerchief to wipe it off with soap and lukewarm water during bath. Can try Drapolene, it’s thick enough but not so thick to the point it’s hard to wash off.
Read moreUmm im using desitin and apply at the butthole area because thats where the sores are generally at in the beginning. Its thick and patchy white which provides a barrier against poo and pee . Don't wipe it away when bathing as rubbing the skin will hurt baby. I usually dab at it with soft tissue and reapply every diaper change. And i dont apply everywhere else because i do diaper changes so often im broke haha but it helps baby honestly. So butthole area and alot of butt washing with water and not using wipes because it reduces the rashes and sores significantly.
Read moreMine is bb girl, i applied the bum bum area, butt hole, thigh, deep folds at the groin, basically whichever the diaper covers it then avoid vagina Last time i didnt apply the butthole area coz thought it would be very sensitive, but noticed after poop that part will have redness so now i learnt🤣 Reapply after diaper change I use mustela, but if the redness come then i apply desitin blue colour I change my bb diaper 4-6 hourly once, bb is now 2mo
Read moreAround butthole area, other areas I use lotion. During newborn days Ill only apply if there’s any rash, if need to reapply, use wet wipes to gently wipe off. I’m using Sudocrem too so when spread evenly (don’t take too much), it won’t leave white patch. Now at 21m, I only apply diaper cream at last shower.
Read moreI only apply it to the butthole area when there’s redness. Instead of diaper rash cream, I apply Hokkaido horse oil to the rest of the butt, thighs (where the diaper elastic bands are) and the deep folds at the groin. It doesn’t leave a white patch and keep the skin soft.
if your bb is a female, avoid applying near to her V.