My baby tmr will be 5 month, just started last weekend she drink milk less n cry a a lot,she just one carry around n keep playing n bitting.any tips n experience can share. Sleepless every night.

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since you mentioned she is 5 months and is biting and crying, as well as getting restless, it looks like she is teething. i would suggest you gently massage her gums with your little finger. also, let her nibble on frozen sticks of carrots, as it will soothe the pain, swelling or discomfort she may feel due to teething. it is also one of the reasons why she is unable to feed or sleep properly, so let her do it as and when she can. don't get annoyed. she is going through a difficult phase and needs your constant love and attention. keep her in your arms and help to make her feel secure, and soothe her.

Baca lagi
8y ago

Hi , thank for ur advise . Now start to put her pacifier into freezing bit n she like it . Poor baby Hehehe

My baby pun baru masuk 5 months and kurang menyusu sebab at this stage dia memang tengah gatal gusi. You try juga urut dekat belakang jari jari kaki dia untuk urutan gums. I pernah baca dekat google. Hehe. And it works! Sekarang i ada bagi dia small fruits dalam teether dia (i bought from shopee) tapi this one kena dapat advice from your doctor. Jangan bagi terlalu kerap. Just bagi once a day

Baca lagi
2mo ago

Sama lah .. dy kurang ssu.. pastu suka masuk bnde nk mkn.. doc ckp dh boleh mkn even dduk xbrape betul long kple dh boleh tegak…

same as my baby just before she turn 5m , her saliva always coming out need to put on bib all the time. she like to bubbling too and everything she grab she will put in her mouth to bite on it, even my nipple 🥲 ( fully bf ) . i give her the silicone teether to satisfy the need of biting. luckily, she’s feeding as usual and no crying session but i notice she poop very frequently than before.

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Sama la baby saya.. Kurang nyusu, kalau nyusu mcm main2, lebih nak gigit puting pastu mainan semua digigit, harini dah mula merengek jeee, malam tadi terjaga tgh mlm (awal pagi sikit) pastu netek main2. I syak dia nak tumbuh gigi.. Baru je rasa boleh tidur lena dah tiba2 baby nak tumbuh gigi, xpe i enjoy the journey.

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bby sy pn 5bln 12hari kurang minum ssu fm..bila bgi bf pn kdng ok kdng xnk...asyik menjerik buat²..kdng² mari stress bila bby menjerik dkt tlinga ...jari² bby msti dlm mulut...bgi ssu xnk...kdng nk ngis pn ad tgk bby xnk ssu xnk diam dri menjerik...

4mo ago

Yeeee ni sebiji sy jugak ni. Kdg dia nangis lebih kpd menjerit. Skrg ni dia tgh fasa nk mak dia je. Ayah dia main kjp je pstu nngis kuat2 nk sy dukung dia. Pstu da bg BF pon tetap nk masuk kan semua jari dia. Kdg jerit smpai hilang suara. Astagfirullah. Sabar jela

Same as mine. he bf less nowadays, loves to put his fist into mouth. sleeping, babbling & drinking a lot. sometimes can heard him chewing his pacifier in sleep at night. doesnt like to chew the teething toy i bought

1y ago

yes my baby is same as yr bby

That normal.. My bby also like that 3 days b4 going to 5 month.. And continues for another 5 days after 5 month.. After that he will be ok as usual

also my bby...Maybe the baby's teeth are coming now i try to give nestum a little to satisfy the stomach...thanks god my bby also ok n now want drink milk as normally

1y ago

ank sye strt dh 4 buln lbh bgi siket je now baru bg nestum sbb susu larap lpstu hmpir 1 jam nk lgi dy tgk org mkn dy nak klu xbg meraung...dy pon dlm fasa teething nk gigi bnde keras..ikotkn mmg lh doktor ckp dh msuk 6 buln bru bg nestum tp kita tgk lh keadaan ank kita so far dy ok happy mak bpk pon senang xstress bnyk.

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baby sy 5 bulan 23hari. dia da ada 2 batang gigi awal bulan aritu. x boleh tgok org makan n meleleh air liur n nangis2. i try bg puree n dia mkn elok x buang. rupanya da lapar. sbb tu tgok org mkn je dia nagis.