Is it okay if baby sleep with a pillow?
Is it okay if baby sleep with a pillow?
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Yes, totally fine
No , it is not safe
I don't know

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Better not to. High risk of SIDS if babies sleep with pillow, blanket around them. Let them sleep with only their sleep attire. And make sure baby sleep on their butt. Can't sleep with their tummy.

Super Mum

i dont allow my baby to sleep with pillow when alone.. except when i'm just bside her.

Time baby bagi alas kepala dgn tuala jer. Sampai skrg 3y xsuka pakai bantal tdo🤣

sampai anak 2 tahun lebih kalau tidur tiada guna bantal. 😁

Tak selamat. Lagi2 dalam buaian 😔😔

semestinya harus abb menjaga leher bayi

I heard it is not safe

xpyh gna lbh baik..

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