Design produk manakah di sini yang anda paling suka?

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design 2 sgt clean. tp sy tetap suka yg colourful tu (1 atau 3). firstly, sbb senang nk identify and differentiate from one product to another. klu packaging sama nnty tertukar yg mana satu lotion, mana satu sunscreen cth... yes we can read the label tp UX wise kadang mak2 ni nak cepat kan, as human being normal kita hanya lihat sepintas lalu dan trus grab. Kedua, just because it's colourful so it's pretty. Product baby kan kne la cm colourful skit hehe. Antara 1 dan 3, I think ramai pilih 1 including me because of the cloud design tu cute. Tu jek 🤗

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Assalamualaikum,, sy nk tanya kalau baby megeras tuu normal ke sy bru 27 w, ,megeras dia xsmpai seminit tapi kerap beberapa kali jugak lr ,,

1 and 3 same design? better colourfull..ceria sikit

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1 colorful


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