Sleep regression during daytime?

My baby is now 3.5 months and we have issue trying to get her to nap during the day. She becomes cranky when she can't sleep and I have tried the usual way of carrying her in arms and patting her but no use. Her daytime nap was only around 30 mins each nap x 3. Does it help if we push forward her sleeping time? I'm worried she will be too tired 😫

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It sounds like your baby is experiencing some sleep regression during daytime naps, which can be a common challenge for parents. At 3.5 months, babies can go through various sleep changes and may have difficulty settling for naps. One possible reason for the short daytime naps could be that your baby is having trouble transitioning through sleep cycles. This is normal at this age as babies are learning to self-soothe and consolidate their sleep. Here are some suggestions to help improve your baby's daytime naps: 1. Establish a consistent nap routine: Try to create a calm and soothing environment before nap time to signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. 2. Encourage longer naps: If your baby is only napping for 30 minutes, try to soothe her back to sleep when she wakes after the first sleep cycle. You can gently pat or shush her to help her transition to the next cycle. 3. Consider adjusting the nap schedule: You can try shifting your baby's nap times slightly to see if it helps her nap more soundly. However, be mindful not to keep her up too long as an overtired baby can have more trouble sleeping. 4. Keep an eye on wake windows: Make sure your baby is not becoming overtired before nap time. For a 3.5-month-old, the awake window is typically around 1.5-2 hours. 5. Create a soothing nap environment: Ensure the room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature to promote good sleep. As for your concern about pushing forward her sleeping time, it's essential to strike a balance between ensuring she's well-rested and preventing her from becoming overtired. You can experiment with adjusting her nap schedule gradually to find what works best for her without causing her to become overly tired. Remember, every baby is different, so it may take some trial and error to find the right solution for your little one. If you continue to have concerns about your baby's sleep patterns, consider consulting with a pediatrician or a sleep specialist for additional support. Hopefully, these tips will help both you and your baby navigate through this challenging phase of sleep regression during daytime naps. Your patience and consistency will eventually pay off as your baby learns to establish healthier sleep habits.

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may take some time to trial and error... all the best 🙏💕
