Terrible at daytime naps

My 4.5 mth LO naps really terribly in the day and only willing to nap for longer periods when we are carrying her. Once we put her down in her crib she'll be up in 15 to 20 mins. She sleeps through the night fine though, so is this considered sleep regression? Anyone has tips on how to keep her asleep longer in her crib? Should I get a yaolan? #firstmom #firsttimemom

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Going through similar situation for my LO at 4 months now, except it affects his night sleep too, waking up at 1 or 2 am and crying for 1 hour plus before finally falling asleep while being carried. For nighttime sleeping before his sleep regression, he could fall asleep longer using the pickup put down method, meaning to put into cot drowsy while awake so he can learn to self soothe.

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Took me awhile to stop yao lan at 2 months+ before going to infant care. I don't recommend starting it now if you have not used it. Was a struggle for us. According to teachers, mine can sleep on his own in school even with other kids' noise. 4.5 months as well Over the weekends at home his wake time can be over 3-5 hours and nap just less than an 30 mins. We just let it be he's doing fine

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7mo ago

Try to make the room darker if it's not already during naps. They say to leave it bright for naps so they can tell day from night but you do what you have to do. Sometimes we also put him down sleeping sideways. And with soft music playing. As for how he can sleep independently, I think the teachers started with patting him while he's on the playmat watching other kids. It was bad the first week we sent him there, had to be carried and rocked up and down while walking around because he was used to napping in yao lan at home. It's not very convenient for teachers. They commented he wasn't sleeping well at all. So I imagined the first week he was just tortured and tired out lol

I dont think its sleep regression. She is just consolidating her sleep more at night. Can try to do more activities w her make her more tired before nap sometimes will help my bb to sleep longer. My bb nap is also abt 30mins only and sleep through the night.

My toddler sleeps in yaolan since young. It does help to soothe my lo to sleep. But it’s not a guarantee. The phase that you’re saying, comes and goes. We experienced it too.

Same, but sometimes I put my LO in yaolan she will only nap 30 mins