Getting To Sleep
My baby, about 5 weeks old, is having issues falling asleep. He would be almost falling asleep and will suddenly awake and start crying. It has been 2 days since such situations. Any ways to help?
My baby too. Usually either insecurity (and wanting to latch for comfort) or tummy discomfort. Swaddling can sometimes help with the insecurity part.. and also resting my hand on baby till completely asleep. For tummy discomfort, I use Ridwind and sometimes Yu Yee oil
Is he being swaddled? Given a pacifier? White noise would be good.. make sure to burp well.. you can try eucalyptus oil. babies enjoy massages, it helps them to sleep better.. you can watch some YouTube videos and try..
Try swaddling and put in some white noise to promote better sleep for ur LO. Or it could be gas in his tummy. Try burping him again to make sure there is no gas in his tummy before bedtime.
Hi... you might find this article informative
It might be wind in the tummy. Might wanna try to burp him/her and carry him/her in your arms till she/he falls asleep.
I carry and rock baby until she falls asleep. If it's gas, try moving baby's legs in a cycling motion
Play some music, the same tune every night so that next time when he hears, he knows it is bedtime
May he he got scared u just keep a hand or swaddle him .. then may b he feels more secure ..
Could be gas in the tummy... ask dr if you can start on probiotics for baby
Will it be too young to start probiotics? I brought him to polyclinic but doc refuse to give any med
I try to let my baby sleeps with tummy at the bed it work
Mum of 2 beautiful girls