8 Replies

My baby also did the same thing when in the air con room at night. At first we thought bcos of the cold air make her throat dry so we put a cup of water in the room to make the air less dry. It seemed to help a bit. Another reason we figured could be baby has wind in the tummy and needs to be burped/ pass gas.

My child like that too, make alot of sound when he is awake. I also worried at first but is nothing. My child really just stretching and face will turn red too

Yes, i think its not the throat but trying to pass gas or poop. My baby was like that during early weeks. Dont worry, it will get better.

Super Mum

Are you sure your baby is not pooping? Whenever mine poops she will make grunting sound and the whole face turns really red 😅

VIP Member

My baby then too. Nanny said she is trying to stretch to grow and we dismissed it. Nothing big happen.

Super Mum

His oesophagus could be developing and growing . Can ask PD to check. Was the baby premature?

Hey, I would suggest consult your PD for this

VIP Member

Best to consult the pediatrician...

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