Baby, 7 months, fell from the bed, knee height and I wasn't around to witness it. There was blood all over and GP took a look at his mouth and told me he had a cut on his labial frenulum (part connecting the gum and the lip in his upper mouth) Went to the hospital and got it stitched up. He was crying very badly today and he has never cried so hard before. After we got back I realised he had a minor bad goose egg on his forehead. He was also very whiny and needed me around. No longer adventurous. Previously he's very fearless in his exploring. 1. Will his behavior be back to normal? Pains me to see he's overly cautious and not so happy yet. 2. His upper gums has become blue black, will anything happen to his mouth/teeth/gum? 3. Accident happened in the early afternoon and he is sleeping now. Should I be monitoring through the night? 4. Anything I can do with regards to the bad goose egg? I rubbed with a boiled egg already.

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Oh am so sorry to hear about this. Hope your baby is feeling better now - hugs! 1. Give him some time - he just went through something traumatic for his tender age. He will certainly get back to his usual behaviour, so not to worry, For now, give the little boy extra TLC and let him gain back his confidence at his own pace. It will happen! 2. I think the blue-black is just due to bruising, Best to keep a close eye on it, if it subsides, great. If not, go to the dentist or doctor, and get it checked for assurance. 3. Yes, do keep checking on him at night. Things to look out for could range from him having a fever, changes in baby's colour, and check if he is doing just anything abnormal. Don't work yourself up over this, but yes advisable to check since it's so fresh. 4. Apply an ice pack to the injured area. Be careful to cover the pack with cloth to avoid cold injury (frostbite) to the skin. A bag of frozen peas should work well too. Hope this helps and that he bounces back to his usual self soon! And do try to get some rest too, mummy!

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