5 month old moves alot in sleep

Hi mummies, my 5 months old have started to prefer sleeping on his tummy. Yes his neck is strong he can lift up and love tummy time. However, when he sleep in tummy position, he always always like to rub his face against the mattress, and sometimes burry his face down on the mattress, but sometimes also he tilt his head to the side. He wont stop moving when sleeping now, either he move his body, or keep rubbing his face. But he’s asleep. Ive tried changing his posiiton, be it on his sides or back, but he would always end up on his tummy. And im a paranoid mum, due to this i never had a good sleep altho he slept thru the night. I keep waking up every few minutes to check on him. To change his head position etc. To the point that today i had to take mc cause my head was spinning so badly i couldnt even walk stably due to the lack of sleep and maybe multiple sudden wake ups. Any mummy going through this too? And how do you manage it ? He’s not swaddled(he hates it now), firm mattress, only his pacifier on the bed, white noise, very dim light, sometimes we use the beansprout pillow. What else should i do I miss the time when he used to sleep soo peacefully without moving much. I dont wish to co sleep or contact nap as i dont feel its safe. And yes he’s sleeping in cot with cot against our bed because of this.

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hi! yes! that's perfectly normal! my baby rolled over at 3 months and was at this phase too! and yes the tossing and turning made me lack of sleep too. actually, you can just leave him sleeping on his tummy but just ensure that the face is tilted for air and breathing purpose. i didn't had to turn my baby all the time but just to ensure on the head position. furthermore sleeping on tummy seems to make them comfortable and sleep longer too. p/s i think it's a regression kind of thing. at that point of time this lasted for about 1.5 weeks 🥲

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1y ago

Did it get better? Did your baby kind of stopped moving so much when sleeping?