Ask the Expert: Is Goat Milk Right for Your Child?

Attention all Parents! 💬 Whether you're curious about goat's milk's benefits for your child, how it compares to cow's milk 🍼, or anything else, we want to hear from you! Share your questions in the comments below & get our expert advice🧑‍⚕️

Ask the Expert: Is Goat Milk Right for Your Child?
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Hi Doc, can you share tips how to introduce goat milk to baby? Before this my kids drink cow milk .

4w ago

Goat's milk have a different taste profile compared to cow's milk - mainly that goat's milk may taste fattier, less sweet with a less creamier mouthfeel and more likely to have a grassy, earthy or ''goaty'' taste. The smell will also be different. All in all, differences exist across brand and processing. The smell particularly might be unconventional (earthy), so masking it with a sweet essence or flavoring such as vanilla may be helpful. The inherent taste of it can also be altered to better suit the child's preference. Flavorings such as chocolate and strawberry can be added, but be mindful of the sugar content. Formula goat milk will have an enhanced flavor to improve acceptance rate. Try asking for samples before you commit to purchasing a can.