18 Balas

Sebagai seorang ibu bapa yang bekerja, saya merasa sukar untuk mengikuti aktiviti/jadual sekolah harian anak saya. Terutamanya apabila mereka ada school trip ataupun school potluck dan sebagainya. Ia seperti mesej itu tidak pernah sampai kepada saya ... besar kemungkinan juga anak saya sendiri pun terlupa untuk sampaikan mesej ini. Apakah cara yang efektif bagi guru dan juga pihak ibu bapa sekalian untuk kami sentiasa dikemas kini tentang aktiviti di sekolah?

Following up on your child learning is very crucial to ensure what they learnt in school is further enhanced at home. It is difficult for a child to articulate what they learnt in school. Hence, find a school that has strong home school partnership. Using technology like LittleLives to communicate on their child learning on school and in home environment ๐Ÿ™‚

Saya seorang ibu dan juga seorang guru. Saya mendapati betapa susahnya sebagai seorang guru untuk menerima mesej dari ibu bapa pada lewat malam... dan juga pada hari cuti sekolah. Pada masa yang sama kita tidak boleh menghalang mereka kerana, sebagai seorang ibu saya amat memahami bahawa menerima berita dan mesej tentang hal ehwal anak sangatlah important. Bagaimana cara saya boleh berkomunikasi dengan lebih berkesan dengan parents students saya?

Hello! A good two way communication between parents and schools is necessary for your childrenโ€™s success. I believe schools should consider investing in a good communication platform where parents and teachers can communicate effectively and efficiently. By using the Little Family Room App by LittleLives, for example, we have 3 different methods of communicating with parents, which are: Conversations, Broadcasts and Surveys. Using all these features, you will experience more effective conversations with parents, teachers are able to customize their replies, and you are able to receive quick replies and answers. For more information about Little Family Room, get in touch with us at storytellers@littlelives.com

Hi En Arjuna. Sy first time mom dan mempunyai anak brain tumor survivor. Anak sy umur 9 bulan. Sy tak bersetuju menjadikan gadget seperti phone or tablet or tv sebagai alat utk pembelajaran anak sebab dia akan on screen mungkin dlm tempoh yg lama. Anak sy juga mempunyai masalah mata kesan daripada tumor tu. Soalan sy, bagaimana kaedah utk sy mengenalkan pembelajaran awal kpd anak sy? Anak sy more response to sound compare to sight.

I am so proud of your child for being such a strong individual. I do see the benefit of using sound as a way to stimulate a child's learning. For LittleLives we strongly belief technology should only be used for administrative purposes and not for replacing a child's learning. What you rightfully pointed out is correct. We should limit screen time for young children and use other means to engage them..technology does have it benefits but in moderation ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Dear Mr. Arjuna .. I'm a mother of 2 little boys whom i believe loves playing with gadgets especially their ipads. Although i'm not thrilled with the idea of exposing my child to too much screen time .. i still do believe at some point this will eventually help them in school. I would really like to know in your own opinion: 1) How does technology help in education? 2) How can i help my child in using technology wisely?

High quality video contact like Sesame Street etc is good and entertaining yet educating children. Have a time table and rules set in place. For example only 30mins screen time after your child have finish their meals etc. Do not use technology as a means to distract your child or when feeding time is done ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

VIP Member

Hi doc. 1. Apakah cara yang terbaik untuk mengajar baby bawah 6m? 2. Bagaimanakah kita nak mengajar anak-anak melalui teknologi tapi dalam masa yang sama tak nak bagi anak-anak ketagihan. 3. Anak dah 8 tahun. Tapi bagaimana kita nak tarik minat anak untuk membaca dan mengeja. 4. Bolehkah baby seumur 3bulan saya ajar perkataan yang mudah kepada nya? Terima kasih doc.

Hi there, Untuk mengajar baby bawah umur 6 bulan awak perlu continuosly repeat, repeat dan repeat ๐Ÿ˜Š a child's attention span is short, so when you repeat sentences, they will be able to grasp those words quick! For child below the age of 9, it is always a good to start with a strict timetable and rules. For example: 30 mins screen time only when certain steps are done, like showering. A child needs to know the effect of not following the rules.. and when the tablet is taken away is due to the rules being broken. It is ideal to co-create the rules with your child. Maybe create a poster of the rules and also the possible outcome if the rules are broken ๐Ÿ˜Š

Zaman teknologi skrg pelbagai applikasi education boleh dpt di app/playstore. Soalan sy : 1. Berakah usia yg sesuai utk anak diberikan access utk apps education. 2. Bagaimana utk mengelakkan anak daripada obses dgn tablet hingga menyebabkan menangis apabila tablet diambil?

Bagi kanak-kanak berumur 9 tahun, ia amat penting untuk mulakan dengan strict timetable and rules... for example: 30 mins screen time selepas mandi ataupun selepas simpan mainan kedalam tempat yang disediakan. Kanak-kanak kecil perlu memahami the effect of not following the rules.. dan bila tablet ditarik balik kerana the rules are being broken. Ia amat digalakkan untuk co-create peraturan dengan kanak-kanak .. for example: create a poster of the rules and also the possible repercussion when rules are broken ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hi Sir... My daughter is 1y6m.. Apakah mainan yg sesuai dengan peringkat umur anak saya untuk perkembangan otak serta pembelajaran komunikasi...? Saya tidak selalu exposekan anak saya pada gadget.. Kecuali saya buka youtube channel babytv di TV jika sy sedang membuat kerja rumah...

Hi there! You can start with flashcards, and always speak to your child about what you are doing. You can also play music in the background.. English, malay songs etc ๐Ÿ™‚


Hi Mr Arjuna, Bagaimana ingin stimulate anak ikut perkataan yang kita sebut? Anak boleh faham apa yang kita cakap cuma belum boleh gabungkan 2 patah perkataan yang bermakna dengan banyak. Anak hampir 2 tahun

Okay noted Mr Arjuna. Many thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Helo En. Arjuna Raj.. bagaimana kita sebagai ibubapa untuk melatih atau menggalakkan perkembangan minda anak2 seawal 1bulan+? bagaimana cara untuk mengatasi menarik minat anak2 sesuatu mereka sedang merajuk atau bersedih?

terima kasih En.Arjuna Raj.. noted๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’ช

Hi doc, saya ada 2 soalan: 1. Bila umur yang sesuai untuk mula ajar anak sight words? 2. Efektif tak kalau nak guna flashcards untuk bayi yang nak masuk 6 bulan? Atau kena tunggu bayi umur 8 atau 9 bulan dulu?

1. Sight words digalakkan pada kanak-kanak umur 4 tahun. 2. I believe it is good to start flashcards at 6 months old to stimulate the brain development. However, the information you give them should only be in moderation ๐Ÿ™‚ not too much and not too little!

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