Anyone can tell me how to slim down? Till now lo is 8 months old and I still look like as if I am pregnant 2-3 months.

I think for mommies with young babies it is quite hard to find time to exercise and it takes a lot of discipline at times. I will suggest doing exercises you can do at home anytime. You can try planking. Planking can be done anywhere and it tones your core muscles. These days there are also a lot of fitspo videos you can find on Instagram of quick five mins exercise which you can do at home. One person you can check out is Jamie Teo the founder of twelve cupcakes. She posts several videos of exercises she does at home. You can also find on YouTube videos of exercises you can do together with your baby. May I also suggest working on your diet. Take more proteins less carbs and more meals in smaller quantities! Good luck :)
Read moreI guess its about our body metabolism. I cut down my rice intake (palm size). I will try (very very temptating) to avoid binge eating too. My good friend whom is a personal trainer, I never engage her before but I try my best to follow her way of eating healthy. It is very difficult, who dont love food right? Furthermore in Singapore! Eating is 80%, exercise is 20% (if im not wrong). We only have to be discipline. You can follow her if you want. This is not a paid thingy advertisement or what you call it. I am sincerely sharing the good stuff cause I've been in your shoes. Asian Meal Prep:
Read moreLooking pregnant 2-3 months is quite good already...but it depends on where u started. I gained 20ish kg so to me ur progress is quite good le. For diet: More protein less carbs more fiber. Are u still breastfeeding? If so don't go too drastic on ur diet, abt 1800kcal (as a guide) For exercise: I also do videos like from body rock or blogilates or other HIIT or skipping rope when baby is taking his nap. Have someone to help u see baby once or twice a week so that u can go on a run or swim. It's also important to add strength training and take more protein to up ur metabolic rate
Read moreI put on 20kg during preg abs after that did not lose much and I've been gaining weight!!! Someone ever asked me if I'm pregnant again when I'm carrying my 6+ month old boy !!! I find that irregular meals is causing me to put on weight even though I'm not eating a lot ... N of Coz failure to exercise :(
Read moreAre you breastfeeding your baby? If you are, just to replace empty calories food with real food like vegetable and oat, proteins instead of carbohydrates. Also drink enough water; dehydration will give your body false information that it is hungry. I did that and lose my weight within first 3 months.
Read moreFirst of all, if you're breastfeeding, make sure you still get the nutrients you need. Then, choose healthy and well-balanced snacks (like vegetables and figs) and then eat little and often (grazing). If you need to snack between meals, snack on healthy fruit and veg.
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Hi mummy. I gained almost 20kg during pregnancy and I went back to my pre pregnancy weight when baby is 10 mth old. I do not do exercise and I eat a lot still. Maybe because I am still bf.
If still breastfeeding- you’ll continuously burn calories 😊
Breastfeeding helps a lot.. And I lost all 13kg after 6 weeks despite eating 3 full meals. Perhaps cos of I am expressing a min of 1L of milk daily for my LO too.
I have been watching my diet, by eating non-processed food and wholesome meals. I've lost 2kg in a week, just by eliminating most sugar and eating clean.