Tummy grew bigger once postnatal massage ends

I am so down and demoralised whenever i look at my body. I gave birth 8 weeks ago via emergency csect. I am stuck with this tummy. Like 3-4 months preggy. My tummy went a little smaller, and waist shrunk to 76cm during/after postnatal massage and i was so happy. But after a week or so, maybe because my appetite has came back and im in a better mood, my tummy somehow grew bigger back and my waist has went up to 80cm. I am petite and slim, but i have a big tummy😣 i dont know how to slim it down. Do i really need to diet and exercise ? I do not have diastasic recti, as per gynae mentioned. But somehow this tummy just wont go away. Any tips? #firsttimemom

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Are you using binder? Binder helped me a lot, I wear it for min 8 hours even thou its in my way
 you know there’s a saying “want pretty don’t want life” 😅. I gave birth via natural but I took 8 months to get rid of my tummy (not entirely and it won’t go away entirely unless you exercise or go for expensive treatments) even when I breastfeed (my friends took 2 months bf to get back into shape 🙃). I don’t exercise at all, the only exercise I do is my usual walking from kitchen to room lol. I would say 8 weeks is still pretty early, our tummy took 9 months to expand, it should be given the same or more time to get back. I was very weight and body conscious 1-2 months PP too that I stressed myself out. What I did was just eat normally, don’t think about it. I stopped looking at my prepreg clothings and stopped attempting to squeeze into it, loose tshirts it shall be. Before I even realized, at 6 months mark, my weight went below prepreg and my tummy became not so obvious anymore. I am currently 23m PP and no, mom pouch hasn’t went away, but it only shows when I’m sitting down and slouching, it doesn’t shows when I’m standing. My advise is don’t stress, don’t look. You’ll be back in shape before you realize. 😊 For ref: I am 158cm, 44cm prepreg, 61kg on the day I gave birth. I went from 23” waist to 32” đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«.

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For DR you need to get treatment because it will remain, otherwise will be exercise. You may check with gynae or ways to reduce DR. Also to reduce mummy's pouch you can do massage once a month but also on the other hand using waist trainer from morning till night or night till morning to maintain your tummy area.

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1y ago

I dont have DR