My period is irregular and longer than usual so when I gave my gynae my last period based on my memory, it wasn’t accurate. For me, my gynae monitor and eventually got an even more accurate reading of your gestational age when she see things are more developing ie when she sees water sac, yolk sac, heartbeat. I used the same clear blue pregnancy test it wasn’t accurate for me too.
a bit hard to calculate, but you'll know better when u go for your dating scan in about a month's time at any hospital! can go polyclinic now to get a referral :) if too early go hospital you will not be able to see much other than a sac and yolk (before 8w) though so will need to contain your expectations
yup that sounds like a good time! but if in between u have any pain or bleeding, just head in straight to o&g or a&e for peace of mind!
If you see a private gynae the receptionist should be able to advise you:) I called up mine last time and they asked the date and menstrual cycle and advised accordingly when to see gynae.. by estimation too