Anyone has induced labor? Is it very painful and I read from internet that induced labor has a higher risk for c-section in the end. Please share your experience.

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I agree with Jamie. For both pregnancies, I was induced. #1 was because she was already 1 week past the due date and #2 was because my high blood pressure suddenly spiked during my last week. #1 took only about 2.5hours because I didn't opt for epidural but #2 was for about 9 hours because I took epidural early. Both had no complications

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Labour induction is generally safe, but if it does not work, then a c-section will have to be performed to deliver the baby. If you are overdue, do try these tips to induce labour naturally instead.

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#1 was induced labour. It was the most painful amongst all 3 labours. Imagine this: I was feeling strong painful contractions but midwife and doctor said ctg monitor showed no signs of contraction. 4 hours later, I delivered my baby.

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I was induced for all my 4 babies and gave birth normal. I was fine and had no complications.
