Anyone had a VBAC after 2 c-section? My gynae advised against vbac. But i prefer to listen to my body

Hi dear, looking at some of your posts, you do have diabetes right? What’s the weight of your baby so far? The quoted success rate of VBAC is 60-80% (but I think this is after 1 C-section), bearing in mind that there’s always the risk of uterine rupture, which could be life threatening to both mummy and baby. Quite a number of gynaes are quite happy to take a mummy through VBAC after 1 C-section, but they would be a lot more careful after 2 C-sections, especially if there were medical reasons for them in the first place, and if your current baby’s on the bigger side. Because of the diabetes, your baby may also have low blood sugar levels at birth, so baby needs to be able to come out quickly and safely for them to do checks. I believe you need to have a trusting relationship with your gynae, and not each of you listening to yourselves. Thrash it out together, come to a decision together, choosing what is safe and good for you and baby. Ask your gynae all the questions you need, and understand your gynae’s rationale for the advice. Then share with your gynae your wishes and see what your gynae has to say. If you do go into labour spontaneously before your planned c-section date, please don’t delay going to the hospital. Get there early to be monitored. A red flag is severe pain in the lower centre region of your tummy, or near the previous c-section scars. Don’t risk endangering yourself or your baby ok? If you and your gynae do agree for trying VBAC, congrats! Do remember that the labour process is unpredictable, and if baby’s in distress or you’re not progressing or there is suspicion of your womb tearing, please follow any advice to go in for an emergency c-section to save your lives okay? All the best and have a safe delivery! ❤️
Read moreI wouldn't. I had a csec first round due to health issues and opted for csec 2nd time round coz i did not want to take the risk of uterine rupture. While "listening to your body" is good if u aren't getting the care you feel you should be getting, this probably isn't the case since u are seeing a doctor and you are potentially putting your life at risk if u want to do a vbac. Not unheard of but there is significant risks involved and your doctor likely would not want you to risk it.
Read moreI successfully did VBAC after my 1st c section C Sect was on Feb 2019 VBAC on Feb 2020 I think it all depends on your gynae and your wound. He advised me to go c sect. But I told him I want to try VBAC. He said ok. But if anything happened, we need to go emergency c sect. Dr used vacuum to help faster the process cause I was bleeding from dk where and a little bit of tear. Other than that, it was a success.
Read moreIt is possible, however you will need to go with drs who are pro vbac. NUH has alot of pro vbac drs. You can also follow the fb page Singapore Vbac Support Group. Alot of successful stories and tips there.
sometimes listening to own body, can be wrong. esp when you're dealing with 2 lives. i wouldn't risk anything. better discuss more with your gynae.
If you feel like it and baby head down ,weight everything is ok why not its your body u can do it mummy
Hi, it is always better to follow the medical advise as it comes with experience and expertise
listen to your body. & i suggest go for online classes. it helps to answer your question.
Well, it’s your choice but I will listen to professional advise
Best to listen to your gynae(: