i had to feed baby formula from beginning due to jaundice and my supply came in late and super low.. only tried to do latching again almost after a month... it was difficult as baby did poor latching and was making my nipples sore... all i can say is do persevere if u really wish to bf... can try increasing the frequency of bf, go see lactation consultant to see if its due to clogged ducts or poor latching and they can help and teach you how to improve the latching. could also be a case of baby alr know and discovered the beauty of bottle feeding that milk can flow fast n they dont need to put in effort to suck... so to them bf too slow... can try do paced bottle feeding when feeding FM to let baby get used to slower flow (got other benefits to doing paced bottle feeding too, do google to find out). its a long and hard journey, and baby may keep crying but u will eventually get there... jiayou!
It’s normal because the flow for bottles are more consistent and faster compared to latching. How about pumping them bottle feeding instead? You can still try offering to latch but it’s gonna be hard, but doable, can try offering the boob while baby is asleep to let baby “get used” to the nipple again.