Cord blood bank
Anybody engage cord blood bank for their NB? any recommendation? or how much need to pay annual?? I went with cryoviva as its the cheapest but its also the newest company in Sg. there's a lot of pros and cons between the companies so find one that you're comfortable with. For me I don't mind if the company is new.
I did Google some info. I find it not necessary and it's not 100 usable... Ermmm... Any mummy can share more?
Yup. I went with cryoviva. Payment is diff and if you go baby expo, they will give you promo price and goodies also
Please, what's cord blood banking and what's it all about? Somebody help!
I'm also considering whether to engage one. Hope to hear more from other mummies.
Stemcord and cordlife is more reputable
Queen bee of 1 fun loving prince