potty training boys
Any tips on potty training for boy?

Kena rajin tanya n jangan marah kalau dia terlepas..anak saya umur 3 1/2 tahun dah bebas diapers..mula2 penat sikit tapi sabar je.. biasala dia belum pandai nak beza rasa nk buang air tu..kalau dia xnak pun, pujuk utk bwa ke toilet setiap stgh jam and perati trend dia lps tu bole gap sejam..mgkin ada org amik masa skjp je..tapi sbb umur dia sy amik masa 7-9 hari utk dia betul2 tau masa bila nk pergi bilik air..alhamdulillah berjaya benas diapers sepenuhnya.
Read moreI start potty train my boy when he was 2 and a half year old. Start with popo first because i can notice when he is about to poop and told him,he need to be like us,poop in the toilet. Then for pee i do it on the weekend as i’m working mom for 1 month. I will bring him every half an hour to the toilet. Then i go full blast,do it every day for 1 week. After that he is free from diapers. Good Luck mommy! 💪🏼
Read moreYou could make potty time fun. Try getting a fun urinal like the one in the picture (Qoo10). When he wants to pee, get him to play the "potty game". If he gets his pee in the urinal, reward him with a healthy snack. http://sg.theasianparent.com/potty_success_teohara_sarbasa/
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Usually for boys, they train them to sit first before training them to stand and pee.
Choose a cute urinal. Start really early. Preferably before 1 years.