4 Replies

Hi, you may want to try to swaddle baby during sleep if you are worrying about sleeping posture. http://www.sidsandkids.org/safe-sleeping/safe-wrapping/ Also, please make sure that the surface of the bed is firm and there are no pillows/blankets/cot bumpers/soft toys around your baby sleeping area to prevent accidental suffocation. Avoid using baby sleep positioner to position her sleeping postures. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/sts/about/Pages/tummytime.aspx#other

My baby did that all the time when she was 2 months old. We slept very close to her so we could monitor anytime. Her neck control was quite good so she was able to turn her head left and right without difficulty.

Yes some babies do turn downwards and you might consider getting one of these if you are worried.

May i know what's is the name of this pillow
